Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nada Surf - "Weightless"

I don't know how I didn't post this sooner, I thought I had posted this in my initial batch of video posts but apparently I hadn't so here it is. So they had a contest for this track where a bunch of people on YouTube created videos for the song and here's the awesome winning video for the very catchy song "Weightless" by Nada Surf.

Is Tropical - "The Greeks"

Crazy awesome music video...you may have to sign in because of the adult content aka little kids shooting each other with toy guns. lol

Tokyo Police Club - "Breakneck Speed"

Awesome song and fun video for it.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

M83 - "Farewell Goodbye"

Unofficial video but goes with the music/mood so well and is just amazing visually.